Privacy Policy

  • This privacy policy is informative and applies to the Website. The website may contain links to other websites, including the Administrator’s profiles on external social networking sites. The administrator suggests that each user, after going to other websites, read the privacy policy applicable there.
  • The Administrator reserves the right to make changes to the applicable privacy policy in the event of technology development, changes to generally applicable laws, including in the field of personal data protection, and in the event of the development of the Website. The Administrator will notify users of relevant changes by posting a message on the Website.

Cookies policy

  • The administrator collects information obtained automatically – system logs (so-called event logs), containing in particular public IP addresses of users visiting the Website and using the services provided as part of the Website. System logs are used by the Administrator for statistical purposes. Collective summaries in the form of statistics do not contain any identifying features of users visiting the Website.
  • Administrator, pursuant to the provisions of art. 173-174 of the Act of July 16, 2004 Telecommunications Law (Journal of Laws 2018.1954, as amended), informs about the use of cookies, which are used to collect information on the use of the Website by users.
  • The Website uses cookies – text files, stored in the user’s end device and used to use the Website pages.
  • The purpose of using cookies by the Website is to adjust the content of the Website to the user’s preferences and to optimize the use of the Website.
  • Only anonymous statistical data about users are collected using cookie technology. The information obtained thanks to cookies is not assigned to a specific person and does not allow him to be identified.
  • When visiting the Website, at least one cookie is sent to the user’s end device in order to uniquely identify the browser. Information sent by the user’s browser is automatically registered by the Website.
  • Cookies may also be placed and used by partners cooperating with the Administrator.
  • The Website may contain buttons, tools or content directing to third-party services, including: maps (Google Maps) or social networking sites (Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, etc.). Using these services may result in sending information about users to the indicated external entities.
  • Cookies, information stored by them and access to this information do not cause configuration changes in the end device or software installed on this device.
  • The user may at any time in their browser change the settings or disable the use of cookies, however, this may cause the Website to malfunction.
  • If the user does not change the default settings of the web browser in the scope of cookies, these files will be placed on the end device and will be used in accordance with the rules set out by the web browser provider.
  • Information on managing cookies in individual browsers – including in particular instructions for blocking the receipt of cookies – can be found on websites dedicated to individual browsers:
  • Users who, having read the information available on the Website, do not want cookies to be stored in the device’s web browser, should delete them from their browser after completing their visit to the Website.

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